Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Facebook free, indeed.

This past June, I left the facebook world. I was getting pretty wrapped up in it (so time consuming,) and found that over 3.5 years, it went gradually from being a handy contact device to a place where I was putting too much identity. My facebook page became too much about me. About my kingdom. And not about the One whose kingdom I should be seeking. Or those He put in my path to love and serve.

I can just hear Jane Austen as she penned the oft quoted words of Marianne Dashwood: "Oh, Elinor, where is your heart?" Only, somewhere in the back of my mind, it was my name in the plea, not Elinor's.


Facebook free. This doesn't mean I can't be in touch with family and friends overseas, there are plenty of other ways to connect! But the freedom I've tasted is so... so good. My relationships have become so much more genuine. For example, when I ask someone how they're doing, I'm much more interested now since I haven't already read about it on facebook or seen the pictures. I have no preconceived ideas about what they're going to say. My conversations are so much more real! How did I miss out on this? 

The other day I spent some time with a young friend who had recently been volunteering in the Philippines. She laid the most beautiful collage of photos on the living room floor, as she explained the stories and moments and smiles behind them. It was truly a special time, because I wasn't at home in my office or at my dining room table surfing facebook by myself. I was with her, and she shared her journey as we laughed together. It was good.

Last week, it was my friend's birthday who isn't living in the area. I picked up the phone. We chatted for an hour and a half! We laughed, we talked about serious things, we laughed some more. It was good.

I've been missing my "family" from Peru. (They aren't blood related, but after living with them for 2 months, we've all adopted each other just the same.) I somehow (oddly enough, it was accidental!) logged into MSN chat, and two of my dear friends were online. We chatted and visited in English, EspaƱol, and "Espanglish". It was good.

My three nieces popped by with a friend the other evening during some free time at a retreat weekend. (Yes, I live at a camp. And it's a blast!) We piled on the bed and whatever chairs we could cram into my one room suite. We talked and listened and encouraged, and laughed - yes, and nearly cried too. We were just... together. It was SO good.

If you're feeling lonely. If you're feeling disconnected. If you're feeling like you need to refocus. Here's my challenge: close facebook for the day. Put down the iPod. Pick up the phone. Get on your bike. Arrange a skype date. Reach out and touch somebody else. Give your Aunt a hug. Bake cookies for the lady down the street. Pray down the phoneline with your out of town friend. It may surprise you how much you can bust out of loneliness when you seek out the lonely, the hurting, those who speak into your life and encourage you, or those who have just always been there for no particular reason. 

Something I'm learning in real time.


Joy said...

Beautifully written, you have touched my heart. Thank you!

Katie Preston said...

Thanks, Mum!